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Want Direct Access To Top Earners For The Next 8 Weeks So You Can Hit The Next Rank Faster?

Watch This Short Video To Find Out How To Get Their Systems And Strategies!

Watch This Short Video To Find Out How To Get Their Systems And Strategies!

The Elite Earner Mastermind starts on March 20th and when you enroll now, you'll lock in an early bird discount and save $200!

Can I Share My Embarrasing Story That Might Resonate With You?

I'm not like this unique special human that's way different and better than you. 

I did not start out crushing it in this industry.

I just didn't. I started out on struggle bus 🚌

I was the person who would post on Facebook holding my unicorn magic special serum and try and convince people to buy it.

And it would get two likes and it would be like my mom and my best friend.

Sometimes I would ask them to like it. They were pity likes 😂

I didn't know what I was doing on social media. I didn't know what I was doing in this industry. I failed forward. I made a huge mess. I was also the person that people ran from.

Cause I would like chase my friends and family down and try and convince them to buy my stuff. Maybe you've been there, but it was pretty embarrassing.

I was that girl. I would crawl up in people's inboxes like...

"Hey girl, you're amazing. You wanna join my team?"

I got invited to the VIP block party a lot.

It was very embarrassing.

When I did start to see success, I couldn't duplicate it.

Everyone that I brought on would quit 😭

I was constantly trying to rebuild and build and rebuild and I just felt like I was doing my best.

I did not have systems in place to create duplication on my team. I had a 100% personality dependent business.

So you might be struggling with this right now.

A personality dependent business is the opposite of what you want.

That's where when let's say you get sick, heaven forbid something happens, there's an emergency, you wanna take time off for the holidays or with your family...

...and when you are out of the equation, the growth on your team stagnates or it goes backwards.

What you wanna have is a systems dependent business because systems stands for save yourself time, energy, and money.

So maybe you've seen people walking on stage and you've seen people sharing their stories and some of them you're like, that's just like me, but why am I not there yet?

If that sounds like you, then I'm inviting you to lock arms with us for 8 weeks to get to the next level so you can...

Multiply your efforts and work smarter and not harder.

We're giving you the exact proven strategies that took us from zero to elite earner status relatively quickly.

It's like having a dream team upline that will equip you to build your business faster and with less work.

If you have a relentless desire to create more success in your business and you don't want to waste time figuring it out on your own, then we can help you.

Imagine Having More Income, Free Time, And Happiness In Your Life Than You Ever Imagined Possible...

What If The Only Thing Keeping You From The Life Of Your Dreams Was Learning From The Right Mentors?

And what if in a matter of weeks, your business could look like this...

 You love closing new people and you’re damn good at it. Your fear of closing is gone-if it was there before!

 You recruit new reps effortlessly...

 Your income is growing with people building your business without having to push or motivate them...

 More people are sticking in your team because you are doing the right things to keep them on board...

 You’re on the way to hitting the top rank in your company...

 You have more time on your hands and money in the bank...

It's not only possible, it's the goal we have for you when you join The Elite Earner Mastermind.

So if you're ready to find people that wanna stick and stay on your team, if you're ready to learn how to generate sales on autopilot then this is for you.

If you want to learn all the things the top income earners are doing to work less, but get more results to scale (hint: that should always be your goal as a business owner)...

I know how you feel, I've been there and I just wanna truly hold your hand and walk you through the process to make that dream a reality for you.

To make this less mystifying and more like, okay, I have a clear cut system in place to scale my business and work less but make more.

That is what I want for you.

Because all the people who are top income earners, they have cracked that code my friend and we wanna teach you everything we've learned.

Some of my seven figure friends are going to do the exact same thing over the next eight weeks.

You're going to get everything that you need to know to learn how to scale to six or seven figures in your business.

It's training from me and these incredible humans that are straight up legends in this industry.

People like John Melton, Ray Higdon, Marina Simone, Brynn Lang, Michelle Cunningham, Justin Prince, and Amber Deloof.

These people are epic and they really know what they're doing.

They have multimillion dollar businesses like myself and they have cracked the code and we just wanna share it with you.

So listen, we are going to be sharing with you over the next eight weeks, next level strategies to help you get to that next level of leadership and add some zeros to a paycheck. 

Here Are The Topics You'll Be Mastering With The Live Strategic Sessions

Valued at $6,000

Module 1: Welcome To The Course

Success is nearly impossible without having a roadmap for reaching the destination. 

That's why in this first module we're laying the foundation for your future growth.

Module 2: Millionaire Mindset & Setting Up Your Perfect Day

Your mindset is so important because if you do not control what's between your ears and get control of your thoughts then self-sabotage is inevitable.

So I wanna teach you how to reprogram your mind for success.

This is about so much more than just creating a business. This is about building a life that you love.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - Mastering the Millionaire Mindset

 Lesson 2 - Morning Routine for Success

 Lesson 3 - Creating Your DMO + Power Hours

Module 3: Finding Your Niche

In module three we're gonna talk about like finding people that want to stick and stay because they're your people.

We'll be diving into how to create marketing that will attract your ideal perfect client and your perfect teammate to you.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - Finding Your Niche

 Lesson 2 - Who is Your Target Audience?

 Lesson 3 - Using Your Niche to Sell & Recruit by Marina Simone

Module 4: Magnetic Content Creation

There is a way to post on social media so people come to you and they raise their hand and say they want what you have.

There's a science to what you can post to attract rather than repel people. 

This is truly just something you can learn. It's not as confusing as you think and you don't have to have a certain personality or a certain number of followers.

When you master this, you'll truly create an audience of people who are begging for more information about what you have.

This is such a game changer for you.  

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - Curiosity & Attraction Marketing by John Melton

 Lesson 2 - Marketing vs. Sales by Jordan LeVeck

 Lesson 3 - Making Money on Social Media by Ray Higdon

Module 5: Mastering Short-Form Video

In module five, we are gonna talk about one of my favorite topics, short-form video.

I struggled my whole life with believing in myself. I used to be 300 pounds, like my confidence was not high.

I dropped out a speech class in high school cause I didn't wanna have to talk for 60 seconds in front of people.

But when I found short form video, it was a gamechanger for me. I sucked at it at first. I'm just gonna be honest.

Like TikTok, Facebook Reels, Instagram Reels... I sucked a fat one.
It was bad.

It was embarrassing.

However, I knew that there was money to be made here and I knew that this was one of the biggest gamechangers that this industry has seen in years.

And so I'm like, okay, I gotta suck it up and I gotta fail forward and figure this out.

And I went from 700 followers to 1.1 million in 10 months, which is insane and now I want to give you all the hacks.

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - Short Form Video by Jordan LeVeck 

 Lesson 2 - Getting Started

 Lesson 3 - TikTok Algorithm Secrets

 Lesson 4 - Find A Viral Trend

 Lesson 5 - Recreate A Viral Trend

 Lesson 6 - Posting Your Video & Prize Giveaways

 Lesson 7 - How to Get Over Feeling Awkward 

 Lesson 8 - Your Perfect Posting Schedule

 Lesson 9 - Going Viral: Beginner Level 1

 Lesson 10 - Secret Comment Trick to Get More Engagement 

 Lesson 11 - How to Get People to Buy Your Stuff

 Lesson 12 - Hook T​​hem! The Viral Secret

 Lesson 13 - Video to Close Level 1: How to Sell in Messenger

 Lesson 14 - How to Grow FAST on TikTok

 Lesson 15 - When People Ask For More Info in the Comments

Module 6: Recruiting Rockstars

We're gonna talk about recruiting producers.

This is so much more than just recruiting.

But more than that we're gonna talk about like how to find unlimited leads to recruit, how to recruit up, meaning to recruit the type of people that will wanna stick and stay and it will make a dent in your business.

High level people, the people that you like wish that you could work with, the people that are going to multiply your efforts. 

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - 3 Keys to Crush Recruiting by Justin Prince

 Lesson 2 - How to Find Unlimited Leads to Recruit by Jordan LeVeck

 Lesson 3 - How to Attract People to Recruit on Social Media by John Melton 

 Lesson 4 - Having The Right Mindset to Recruit High-Level Team Members with Megan Weisheipl

 Lesson 5 - Recruiting High-Level Humans by Brynn Lang

Module 7: Launching New Teams + Creating Massive Duplication 

This is one of the most important things to master.

Again... systems!

You'll discover how to create an ultimate onboarding system to help your newest person see success fast.

So that's so freaking important because when someone gets started, they're on life support and if you don't teach them exactly what to do to get results and start making money, they're gonna fall off. 

You'll learn exactly what I do to create one of the fastest growing teams in my company that is wildly successful. 

Recruiting is cool, but I want you to have a team that crushes recruiting. 

Here's what you'll learn in this module:

 Lesson 1 - The Ultimate Onboarding System by Jordan LeVeck 

 Lesson 2 - How to Use the ATM System to Build a Multi-Million Dollar Team on Social Media by John Melton 

 Lesson 3 - How to Get Your Team Running for a Promotion by Justin Prince

 Lesson 4 - How to Get Your Team Recruiting & Run Team Challenges by Jordan LeVeck

 Lesson 5 - Identifying Key Leaders by Jordan LeVeck

 Lesson 6 - Delegate! Hiring An Amazing VA + The Right People to Multiply Your Impact

Each week, a top earner will walk you through a specific strategy and then give you an actionable homework assignment to do that week to help you level up in your business.

The minimum investment for an hour of our time starts at $750 (some of these top earners charge $2,000 for an hour of their time).

With The Elite Earner Mastermind, you're getting well over 8 hours of our time.

That's worth at least $6,000 and if that was the investment to join the mastermind, it would be well worth the investment.

Let’s face it... even half of that at $3,000, is less than the price of many of the of the big ticket seminars out there where you would get a lot less value than with The Elite Earner Mastermind and you wouldn't even be able to ask questions.

With that said, here's the schedule for these live sessions...

Becoming A Top Recruiter AKA Recruit-a-palooza! 

March 20th at 3pm EST

Having a Millionaire Life That You Actually Love

March 27th at 3pm EST

Laser TikTok/Short Form Video Coaching + Q&A

April 3rd at 3pm EST

How to Recruit & Launch New Million Dollar Lines

April 10th at 3pm EST

Creating Layered Leadership

April 17th at 3pm EST

Recruiting A Players & Recruiting UP

April 24th at 3pm EST

Using Video to Attract Leaders

May 1st at 3pm EST

Wrap-Up + Q&A

May 8th at 3pm EST

Here’s What Makes The Elite Earner Mastermind So Powerful Compared To Other Courses For Growing Your Business... 

You'll Never Feel Stuck Again

How many times have you bought a course or book to help you in your business, only to take a quick look, get stuck, and never revisit it again. This will not happen in The Elite Earner Mastermind.

You show up and get any problem or questions you are dealing with answered by someone who has not only experienced it but more importantly, overcame it.

Support When You Need It

Let’s face it, being an entrepreneur is a lonely path sometimes. It’s much easier to achieve your goals when you have a team behind you helping you along.

When you are part of The Elite Earner Mastermind private community you will get feedback and support every day if you want it (you won’t get that from an eBook).

Paint By Numbers Training

Network Marketing success requires the ability to teach the masses to do a few simple things.

This training is no different. We'll walk you through all of the strategies and skills that you'll need in a step-by-step fashion so you can reach the top with less frustration.

Once You Decide To Enroll You'll Get Access To These FREE Bonuses!

$497 Value

Bonus 1: Private Elite Earner Community

$497 Value

Get access to a tribe of motivated peeps. We will all be there to guide you and give you feedback to help you succeed. Need to post a video for example and want feedback before letting your team see it? This community is perfect for that. Have a “weird” problem with a prospect? Post it in the community and watch the support come flying in.

Being part of this community means you get to post questions on anything related to your business and get fast answers so you can move forward.

$295 Value

Bonus 2: The Elite Earner Digital Workbook

$295 Value

You're gonna get an entire beautiful workbook that breaks everything down that you learn.

So if you're a visual learner, you're gonna have this gorgeous, really pretty workbook.

But also you can watch the trainings and you can take notes to really help absorb what you're learning.

It's filled with resources, screenshots, scripts and a whole lot more!


Bonus 2: Lifetime Access To Training & Community


You'll receive unlimited access to each session recording.

We're going to cover a lot in each session. 

I strongly encourage you to watch each coaching session more than once so they strategies really sink in.

Plus, any time there are updates with new strategies and systems, you'll get access for no extra charge!

That’s Over $497.00 Worth Of Bonuses Alone!

The 8 Live Strategic Coaching Sessions, And The Private Community Is Worth More Than $6,497...
  No Need To Stress...
You Don't Have To Invest $7k Today.
You Don’t Even Need To Invest Half Of That...
...Or Even Half Of That Again.

Click the enroll button below right now and reserve your spot in The Elite Earner Mastermind for just one payment of $97.

That’s less than I'd charge you for one hour of coaching with me and you'll be getting over 8 hours of access to me and the other top earners in the group sessions over the next eight weeks.

If you’re still reading right now, then my guess is you’d agree that $97 is a steal when you consider the impact a mentor who has walked the path before you and can show you the ropes will have on your income.

Yes, Jordan, Enroll My Spot For The Mastermind

I understand the "Strategic Coaching Sessions" are LIVE but I can listen to the recording at any time if I miss one.
I understand I'll join the Elite Earner Private Community where I will not only get but also give incredible support and encouragement.
I understand I'll also get access to my free bonuses worth over $497.00
I understand that I need to act now to secure my spot as there is a limited amount of time to join before the program starts and enrollment ends.
I understand that The Elite Earner Mastermind is only open for enrollment right now. The FIRST session starts on March 20th, 2023 and if I don’t take action now… I might not have another opportunity to join the mastermind again.

Payment plan available during checkout

You Now Have A Very Important Decision To Make...

You can take advantage of this one-of-a-kind mastermind environment today where you get access to not only me and my knowledge but several six and seven figure earners too so you can reach elite earner status. 

Plus all the amazing bonuses!

...Or you can spend your time trying to piece together everything yourself.

And you know what? I’m not saying you won’t get there - it just takes a lot longer and the odds of failing are a lot higher.

So the question is...

Why not Take The Easier And Much Faster Path?

Give The Elite Earner Mastermind a try. You have nothing to lose here and everything to gain.

In a few short weeks from now, you could be waking up every morning to a thriving cash machine business.

You switch on your laptop in the morning and check the sales from the night before from your team while you sip your coffee.

You feel relaxed and peaceful because you just broke free from the daily grind and any money worries you had are a distant memory.

You don’t even have to give up your job but you might be making so much money you can if you want to.

I’m not asking you to believe me, just try it out. If I’m wrong, you have lost nothing.

But what if I’m right?

Click the enroll button right now and see for yourself.

Payment plan available during checkout

Here's A Quick Recap Of Everything You'll Get When You

Enroll In The Elite Earner Mastermind!

  The Elite Earner Course

$997 Value

  8 Weeks Of Live Group Coaching

$6,000 Value

  Bonus 1: Private Elite Earner Community

$497 Value

  Bonus 2: The Elite Earner Digital Workbook

$295 Value

  Bonus 2: Lifetime Access To Training & Community (including updated content!)


 8 Weeks Of Live Group Coaching - $6,000 Value

 Bonus 1: Private Top Earner Community - $497 Value

 Bonus 2: Lifetime Access To Training & Community (including updated content!) - Priceless

Total Value: $6,497+

Normal Price: $297

Today Only: $97

Payment plan available during checkout

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🔒 We always protect your privacy and do not share your email. You will receive future emails from Jordan LeVeck and can opt out at anytime. As with any online training program, there is no guarantee of success using this system.

Here’s A Recap Of EVERYTHING You’ll Get When You Join Now!

 8 Weeks Of Live Group Coaching - Value $6,000

 Bonus 1 - Private Elite Earner Community - Value $497

 Bonus 2 - Lifetime Access To Training & Community (including updated content!) - Priceless

Total Value: $6,497+

Normal Price: $297

Today Only: $97

Payment plan available during checkout

Copyright © 2023 - Jordan LeVeck